Reminders and tips

From A to Z

Charges and registration

slowUp is free of charge for all participants, thanks to the support of our Partners, Sponsors, Municipalities and voluntary helpers. Registration is not necessary.

Cyclists help inline skaters

On downhill stretches, cyclists are requested to help inline skaters and let them brake by holding on to the luggage rack

Drinking water

Drinking water is available to the public at various points on the slowUp Zürichsee route. Drinking water list


Would you like to use an e-bike at the slowUp? All kinds of electric bicycles fall under mopeds.

Riding the slowUp route on electric mopeds with a yellow number plate, i.e. with over 500 watts of power or with pedal support that achieves a speed of 25 to 45 km/h, is prohibited.

E-bikes with up to 500 watts of power and with pedal support of up to 25 km/h are considered light mopeds. These "slow" e-bikes, like bicycles, do not require a license or number plate. From a legal perspective, they are almost equivalent to a "bike" and are therefore allowed at the slowUp Zürichsee.

E-bikes with between 500 and 1000 watts of power or a maximum speed of 20 to 30 km/h or with pedal support that achieves a speed of 25 to 45 km/h are considered mopeds, require an appropriate number plate and are therefore not allowed at the slowUp Zürichsee.

Electric vehicles

Riding the slowUp route on electric vehicles with less than 40 percent pedal support is prohibited.

People with restricted mobility may use the slowUp route with power-assisted wheelchairs, but should not exceed a speed limit of 20 km/h.

Emergency numbers

Police 117, Fire brigade 118, Ambulance 144, Air rescue 1414, slowUp hotline +41 79 533 20 20

First aid

Have you fallen or hurt yourself? First aid is provided by the Samaritan associations in

  • Stäfa (Lido Lattenberg)
  • Rapperswil (Fischmarktplatz)
  • Wurmsbach Cloister (festival grounds)
  • Schmerikon (festival grounds)

If there is a serious accident, call an ambulance directly at 144.

Helmet and protective equipment

We strongly recommend wearing bike helmets and inline skate protective gear.


Participants are responsible for their insurance coverage. The event organisers do not assume any liability

Missing persons

If you lose someone, call the police on 117.

We recommend giving children the telephone number on which they can contact their parents/accompanying adult. Explain to children that they should always continue in the same direction and contact slowUp helpers (first aid posts, police, traffic cadets) if they lose their parents/accompanying adult.

Participation with children

slowUp is a family event. Adapt your individual route to the age and ability of your children.


Refreshments will be available at regular intervals along the route.


Mechanics will repair bikes and inline skates at several Bike World stops along the route (see ROUTE MAP). This service is free – a charge will be made for parts only.


At large events, a substantial quantity of waste can collect within a few hours. Bottles, packaging, etc. lying around the area, can cause people to fall and lead to injuries.

Rubbish and PET (bottles) should be placed in the intended containers or in your rucksack. Please help keep the slowUp route clean. 

Rules of conduct

The slowUp route can be used in both directions. Keeping to the right (with the middle line as dividing line) is an absolute must. Please do not cross over the opposite lane unless you have an urgent reason to do so.

If the weather conditions are good, slowUp Zürichsee expects to host up to 30,000 active participants. Please show consideration for other participants and especially for children.

Looking well ahead while cycling and keeping your distance will help to avoid falls.

Be prepared for unexpected behaviour from the people in front of you.

If you need to stop, go to the pavement on the right or to the right side of the road.

The traffic control at problematic points will be handled by traffic cadets. We ask you to be respectful to the officers and to follow their orders.


Adapt your speed according to your ability and to the actual situation. The slowUp is a leisurely tour and not a race.

The maximum speed is 20 km/h.


There is a dense network of public toilets along the route. For the slowUp, we have also set up 13 rental WCs on the route (see ROUTE MAP). Please use the labelled WCs. WCs in restoration companies are reserved solely for consuming guests.

Wie verhalte ich mich am slowUp?

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